Tropicl flowers

Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum), largest flower in the world, is a tropical flower of Soth East asian Origin. In fact, it is the world's largest un-branched inflorescence. In its native lands, the flower blooms vary in size from 7-12 feet in height.

Tropical flowers hold a special place in the hearts of flower lovers due to their breathtaking fragrance and exquisite beauty. Orchids, Rhizomes, Gingers, Heliconias etc., which are more popular with the flower lovers are Tropical Flowers.Tropical Flowers are those that thrive naturally in tropical climatic conditions.

All the tropical flowers happen to be alien for other geographic regions of the world viz., Temperate and Polar regions where they are referred to as Exotic Flowers. All tropical flowers are thus exotic to the Americas and Europe. But not necessarily all exotic flowers are tropical flowers.

The tropics are the geographic region of the Earth centered on the equator and limited in latitude by the two tropics: the Tropic of Cancer in the north and the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere. Tropical Flowers are those species of flowers that are native to the tropics. The principal regions with a tropical climate are the Amazon Basin in Brazil, the Congo Basin in West Africa and Indonesia. The buzz word in the world of flowers, the Hawaiian tropical flowerscome from this core tropical region. Besides, India, southern China, etc., also fall under the tropical region.

Flower Name (with Scientific Name)About the FlowerFlower Image
African Moon (Dimorphotheca pluvialis/Osteospermum spp)African Moon is a white daisy flower covering huge spring fields of Namibia. Learn more about African Moon Tropical Flowers 1
African Tulip (Spathodea campanulata)African Tulip flowers are the orange scarlet flowers with glossy green pinnate leaves. Learn more about African Tulip Tropical Flowers 2
Alpine aster (Aster alpinus)Alpine aster flowers are violet pink, and white colored flowers, which are good for cut flower arrangements. Learn more about Alpine Aster Tropical Flowers 3
Alpinia (Alpinia)Alpinias are seen in colors ranging from pink to red, and make very impressive container plants. Learn more about Alpinia Tropical Flowers 4
Amazon lily (Eucharis grandiflora)Amazon lily is a beautiful, sweet scented white flower, which make an excellent potted plant. Learn more about Amazon lily Tropical Flowers 5
Angel wing begonia (Begonia coccinea) Angel-wing begonia flowers are in pinks, reds, oranges, and make beautiful flowering houseplants. Learn more about Angel wing begonia Tropical Flowers 6
Annual Delphinium (Consolida ajacis) Annual Delphinium flowers are in blue, white, pink or lilac color florets. Learn more about Annual Delphinium Tropical Flowers 7
Begonia Fairlady (Begonia sempeflorens) Begonias are compact bedding plants white in color. Learn more about Begonia Fairlady Tropical Flowers 8
Begonia-non-stop red (Begonia Nonstop Red) Begonia Nonstop Red are the tuberous begonias, which are ideal for baskets, pots, and gardens. Learn more about Begonia-non-stop red Tropical Flowers 9
Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia) Bitter Gourd flowers are yellow, and its bitter fruit is edible. Learn more about Bitter Gourd Tropical Flowers 10
Blanket flower (Gaillardia aristata) The Blanket flower, has yellow flowers where petals are broadly margined with yellow and the remainder of the flower has some shades of crimson. Learn more about Blanket flower Tropical Flowers 11
Bleeding Heartwine (Clerodendrum thomsoniae)The Bleeding Heartwine flowers have white calyx's and scarlet flowers. Learn more about Bleeding Heartwine Tropical Flowers 12
Blood lily (Scadoxus multiflorus, Haemanthus multiflorus)Blood lily is a bulbous plant, with a spectacular flowerhead which is a huge spherical umbel containing 100 flowers. Learn more about Blood lily Tropical Flowers - Blood Lily
Blue Alpine Daisy(Aster alpinus ) Alpine aster flower is a delightful flower and used as a front of a border. Blue Alpine Daisy Blue Alpine Daisy
Blue Dawn flower (Ipomoea indica)Blue Dawn flowers are a striking purple-blue, formed in a dense clustered inflorescence. Learn more about Blue Dawn flower Blue Dawn Flower
Blue jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia)Blue jacaranda flowers are clusters of blue tubular flowers, giving rise to woody, disc-shaped seed pods. Learn more about Blue jacaranda Blue Jacaranda
Blue-Passion flower (Passiflora caerulea) The blue passion flower is crowned with prominent blue- and purple-banded filaments, with an egg-shaped orange fruit. Learn more about Blue-Passion flower Blue Passion Flower
Bottle brush (Callistemon citrinus) The bottlebrush flower spikes are usually yellow or red, and gives a small woody fruit containing hundreds of tiny seeds. Learn more about Bottle brush Tropical Flowers - Bottle Brush
Calatheas (Calathea roseo-picta) Most of the Calathea species are popular house plants, and commonly called Prayer Plants or Zebra Plants. Learn more about Calatheas Tropical Flowers - Calatheas
Catasetum (Catasetum spitzii) Catasetum species, are usually helmet lipped, with flower color varying widely, from apple green to greenish-yellow, bright yellow, orange-yellow, with red markings. Learn more about Catasetum Tropical Flowers - Catasetum
Cattleya (Cattleya amethystoglossa) Cattleyas are the rare lavender colored flowers, producing 20 flowers at a time in an inflorescence. Learn more about Cattleya Tropical Flowers - Cattleya
Cautleya (Cautleya lutea) Cautleyas are the eastern himalayan bright yellow flowers,enclosed in deep red colored bracts. Learn more about Cautleya Tropical Flowers - Cautleya
Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum flowers bloom in various forms, and can be daisy-like, decorative, pompons or buttons. Chrysanthemums can be white, purple or red color. Chrysanthemums are one of the most popular flowers in the world, next only to the Rose. Learn more about Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum Flowers
Constantia (Constantia cristinae) Constantia flowers are pretty light colored miniature flowers a bit more than a 1/2 an inch. Learn more about Constantia Tropical Flowers - Constantia
Cosmos pink (Cosmos bipinnatus)Cosmos flowers are showy solitary red, and bright colored disks, seen also as white, pink or purple flowers. Learn more about Cosmos pink Cosmos Pink Flowers
Cryptopodium Cryptopodium flowers are branched off from an inflorescence of 5 feet, producing dozens of yellow flowers. Learn more about cyrtopodium Cyrtopodium
Day Lily Frans Hals (Hemerocallis hybrids) Day Lily flowers are seen as attractive, alternating bright yellow and yellow-striped red petals. Learn more about Day Lily Frans Hals Tropical Flowers - Day Lily Frans Hals
Decorative Dahlia (Dahlia) Decorative dahlia flowers have fully double blooms without a clear disc. Ball and Small Decorative Dahlias were popular landscape flowers of 18 th century. Learn more about Decorative Dahlia Decorative Dahlia
Encyclia (Anacheilium fragrans) Encyclia flowers are extremely fragrant, with no color variation but there are stripes on the lips. Learn more about Encyclia Encyclia Flowers
Etlingera (Etlingera elatior)Etlingera flower inflorescence comes out of the ground instead of the terminal spike. It is greatly used as a cut flower. The center of the flower shows a cone shaped structure formed by lowering of the bracts. Learn more about Etlingera Etlingera Flowers
Flame of the Forest (Butea monosperma) Flame of the Forest flowers, are brightly colored scentless flowers, grouped along the ends of the stalks. The characteristic flower feature is its curved beak-shaped keel. Learn more about Flame of the Forest Flame of the Forest
Frangipani (Plumeria rubra) Frangipani flower is propeller shaped with a delicate yellow center and a creamy white outer petal. Frangipani flowers are highly scented during nights and often used in bouquets. Learn more about FrangipaniFrangipani Flowers
Golden shower (Cassia Fistula) Cassia flowers are bright, yellow, fragrant flowers. Cassia flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies, and look like long, grape-bunches of yellow gold flowers. Learn more about Golden shower Golden Shower
Grass of the Dew (Cyanotis arachnoides) Grass of the Dew flowering plants produces furry violet blooms, dotted with yellow stamens. Learn more about Grass of the Dew Grass of the Dew Flowers
Heliconia (Heliconia Pendula (Frosty) Heliconias are double colored with Pinkish red on lower half of the cheek and red on the upper half, with Yellow lip and tip, and having a deep red rachis. Learn more about Heliconia Heliconia
Hibiscus (China-rose) (Hibiscus) Hibiscus flowers are large, flat, conspicuous, trumpet-shaped flowers, with five petals, ranging from white to pink, red, purple or yellow. Learn more about Hibiscus Hibiscus (China Rose)
Koutruk lei (Koutruk lei) Koutruk lei flowers are small bell-shaped, blue flowers. Koutruk lei flowers are rare flowering plants, blooming once in every nine years. Learn more about Koutruk lei Koutruk Lei
Laelia (Laelia angereri) Laelia flowers are produced on long inflorescences. Laelia angereri is the largest species in the rupiculous Laelia group. Learn more about Laelia Laelia Flowers
Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) Lotus flowers are found in white and pink colors in general and they grow in shallow and murky waters. Learn more about Lotus Tropical Flowers - Lotus
Maxillaria (Maxillaria picta) Maxillaria flowers are extremely fragrant, yellowish to white flowers produced at a time on the inflorescence. Brownish-red marking on the exterior of the sepals and petals of the flowers is seen. Learn more about Maxillaria Maxillaria
Morning Glory (Ipomea Species) morning glory flowers are vines, which are saucer-shaped, opening at morning time. Morning Glories produce typical funnel-shaped blossoms in white, red, blue, purple and yellow. Learn more about Morning Glory Morning Glory
Musas (Musas) Musas are easy to grow and flower and add lush tropical feel to any garden. Learn more about Musas Musas
Sampaguita (Jasminum sambac) Sampaguita are pure white, small, dainty, star-shaped blossoms. Sampaguita open at night and wilt the next day. Learn more about Sampaguita Sampaguita Flowers
Sophornitella (Sophronitella violacea) Sophornitella flowers are quite showy and very colorful. Sophornitella flower inflorescence produce fairly large flowers. Learn more about Sophornitella Sophronitella
Sophronitis (Sophronitis coccinea) Sophronitis is a very intense orange-red flower. Learn more about Sophronitis Tropical Flowers - Sophronitis